- A refinement of the coherence conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport (joint with Huanhuan Yu). 41 pages. arXiv:2412.15062
- Line bundles on the moduli stack of parahoric bundles (joint with Chiara Damiolini). 18 pages. arXiv:2412.08826.
- Smooth locus of twisted affine Schubert varieties and twisted affine Demazure modules (joint with Marc Besson). 41 pages, 2024 Dec revision version. arXiv:2010.11357.
- Beilinson-Drinfeld Schubert varieties of parahoric group schemes and twisted global Demazure modules (joint with Huanhuan Yu). Sel. Math. New Series. 31, 16 (2025). DOI: 10.1007/s00029-024-01011-8. arXiv:2209.07347.
- Lie algebra cohomology of the positive part of twisted affine Lie algebras (joint with Shrawan Kumar). Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics Volume 108, 2024
- Twisted conformal blocks and their dimension (joint with Shrawan Kumar). Math. Z. 306, 76 (2024).
- Local types of (Γ, G)-bundles and parahoric group schemes (joint with Chiara Damiolini). Proc. London Math. Soc.(3) 2023;1–34.
- Conformal blocks for Galois covers of algebraic curves (joint with Shrawan Kumar). Compositio Mathematica. 2023;159(10):2191-2259. Erratum. arXiv:1807.00118v5.
- Nilpotent varieties in symmetric spaces and twisted affine Schubert varieties (joint with Korkeat Korkeathikhun). Represent. Theory 26(2022), 585-615.
- A combinatorial study of affine Schubert varieties in affine Grassmannian (joint with Marc Besson). Transformation Groups 27, 1189–1221 (2022).
- Fusion ring revisited. Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 713,Pages 135-147, 2018.
- Conformal blocks, Verlinde formula and diagram automorphisms. Advances in Mathematics, Volume 354, 1 October 2019, 106731.
- The poles of Igusa zeta integrals and the unextendability of semi-invariant distributions (With an appendix joint with Shachar Carmeli). International Mathematics Research Notices, 2021(8), pp.5860-5897.
- Quantum polynomial functors, (joint with Oded Yacobi). Journal of algebra, Volume 479, Pages 326–367, June 2017.
- Generalized semi-invariant distributions on p-adic spaces, (joint with Binyong Sun). Math. Ann.367, 1727–1776 (2017)
- Tensor invariants, saturation problems and Dynkin automorphisms, (joint with Linhui Shen), Advances in Mathematics, Volume 285, Pages 629-657, 2015.
- Almost Prime Coordinates for Anisotropic and Thin Pythagorean Orbits, (joint with Alex Kontorovich), Israel Journal of Mathematics, Volume 209, Issue 1, pp 397-420, September 2015.
- Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space II (Joint with Oded Yacobi). Advances in Math. Volume 237, 360-403 (2013).
- Polynomial functors and categorifications of Fock space (Joint with Antoine Touz ́e and Oded Yacobi). Symmetry: Representation Theory and its Applications in honor of Nolan Wallach, Progress in Mathematics, Birkauser, Vol.257, 327-352 (2014).
- Polynomial Representations of general linear groups and Categorifications of Fock Space (Joint with Oded Yacobi). Algebra Representation Theory 16, 1273–1311 (2013).
- Mirkovic-Vilonen cycles and polytopes for a symmetric pair. Representation Theory 13(2009), pp.19-32.